Bekum Maschinenfabriken GmbH
Booth number: HALL 10 - B27
About us
Pioneering and innovative manufacturer of extrusion blow moulding machines for monolayer and multilayer plastic packaging containers from 3 ml to 3000 l. Tailor-made solutions for applications in pharmaceutics & medical, dairy, liquid food, food, cosmetic, agrochemical industry, technical applications e.g. automotive fuel tanks, 3D blow moulding up to 7 layers.
Kitzingstr. 15 – 19
12277 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 7490-0
18F.-8.,No. 386, Shizheng Rd.
Taichung City 407, Taiwan
P. R. China
Phone: +86 51 257379570-512
Contact person:
Products & Services
Extrusion Blow Moulding Machines
EBLOW - High Speed Container Blow Moulding Machine
Modern and functional machine design with generously
sized access and viewing area with reduced footprint
Patented C-frame clamping unit for outstanding platen
parallelism and low wear on moulds
All-electric e-Twin-Toggle clamping drive up to
500 kN with an unmatched bearing design for max.
service life
Highly efficient electric drives enable precision from the
1st shot and very short dry cycle times
Intuitive Bekum Control 8.0 control with AI monitoring
for continuous article quality and highest line availability
High-performance HiPEx 36D extruder with homoge-
neous melting and process stability with -20% energy
Modern simulation-supported spiral mandrel extrusion
heads in mono and 3-layer for high melt and temperatu-
re homogeneity and short colour changes
Quick mould change in less than 15 minutes per side
Optional three-station take-off enables special cooling
and correction of canisters up to 12 liters
Energy efficiency class 10 according to Euromap 46.1
Powerful, flexible and durable complete system from a
single source for packaging, handle bottles and canisters
XBLOW - Industrial Blow Moulding Machine
- flexible und modulare industrielle Blasformanlagen mit hoher Zugänglichkeit und flexiblen Produktionslösungen für Großkanister, Fässer und IBCs
- einzigartiges hybrid elektrisches Schließkonzept bis 3.000 kN, schnell, energiesparend und mit einmaliger Formdickenvarianz (patend pending)
- Eilhubbewegung elektrisch und hydraulisch möglich.
- Hydraulische Formfunktionen und Akkuköpfe mit drehzahlvariablem Hydraulikaggregat angetrieben
- ausstattbar mit Bodenkalibrierung, Blas- und Spreizdornen, sowie horizontalen und vertikalen Schlauchzubringern komplette Produktionslösungen inkl. Formen, Robotern,
Nachbearbeitung- oder Nachkühlstationen und Materialhandling aus einer Hand z.B. für 220L-L Ring Fässer
- intuitive Bekum Control 8.0 Steuerung mit KI Überwachung für kontinuierliche Artikelqualität und höchste Anlagenverfügbarkeit
- Hochleistungsextruder HiPEx 36D schmelzehomogen und prozessstabil bei -20% Energiebedarf moderne simulationsgestützte Wendelverteiler-Extrusionsköpfen, als Akkukopf und kontinuierlich für Mono bis Co-Extrusion. Schmelze- und temperaturhomogen bei kurzen Farbwechselzeiten
Bekum Service
In addition to our industry leading blow moulding machines, Bekum’s professional customer service is a highly convincing part of our Company, guaranteeing competent and smooth production workflows, as well as maximum machine availability after “going live”. Our experienced, highly qualified, and regularly trained employees in Bekum’s plants in Germany, Austria and the USA, as well as the Bekum office in China mean that we can guarantee top quality service at all times - all over the world in more than 100 countries. In addition, our logistics services assure that there is always sufficient availability of parts and accessories which can be delivered on short notice.