Chinaplas 2025Products & Services SIMPLEX Flat Bottom (FB) feeder

SIMPLEX Flat Bottom (FB) feeder

Qlar (Tianjin) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd (Former company name: Schenck Process (Tianjin) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd.)

The new SIMPLEX FB is the perfect solution for feeding plastic flakes, cellulose, hemp, glass or carbon fibers and other virgin or recycled materials for plastic film or compounding applications. It is a high capacity stainless steel feeder designed specifically for handling materials with light and fluffy characteristics.

With a bottom driven vertical agitator and an auxiliary agitator, the SIMPLEX FB is perfect for hard to feed materials such as chopped polypropylene or PET plastic film when feeding to an extruder.

Further reading

SIMPLEX Flat Bottom (FB) feeder

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