参展商 Herbold Meckesheim GmbH

Herbold Meckesheim GmbH

展位号: HALL 10 - K25


Herbold Meckesheim隶属于跨国工业美国集团Hillenbrand,Inc.,是科倍隆新成立的回收业务部门的一部分,该部门在国际运营的聚合物部门内提供塑料回收处理的完整解决方案,并在复合和挤压系统、进料和称重系统、散装物料处理和服务领域处于领先地位。Herbold Meckesheim是一家领先的回收专门公司. 它生产制造用于处理产业纯塑料废料,以及废弃,混合和污染的塑料的机器与工厂。用于自动化回收生产线 的模块化系统解决方案已经继续在公司内部的塑料回收应用实验室接受测试。从客制化工厂和机器的构思阶段, 设置启用至商业使用, 都超过260名总部职员和国际机构员工全程陪伴。


Herbold Meckesheim GmbH
Industriestr. 33
74909 Meckesheim

电子邮件: herbold@herbold.com
电话:  +49 6226-932-0
网址: www.herbold.com


Markus Zimmermann
电子邮件: markus.zimmermann@herbold.com
电话: +49 6226 932-125


我们的产品范围包括破碎机, 撕碎机, 粉碎系统、塑料团粒机,清洗和分离系统,预清洗装置、磨洗机,沉浮水槽,水旋风分离机,脱水机,热清洗和污水处理系统。
Herbold Meckesheim生产机械和清洗线,用于回收PET、聚烯烃、薄膜或硬质塑料以及各种消费后塑料废料。本集团提供备件、检修、检测、故障排除及升级服务。总部雇员和世界各地国际机构的工作人员随身携带着从构思阶段到投入使用直至商业使用结束期间为满足要求而定制的机器。

Plastcompactor HV 70

The HV 70 plastcompactor is the most powerful of the series from Herbold Meckesheim. It processes the feedstock in continuous operation between a rotating and a fixed compactor disk, which are equipped with screwed-on and easily exchangeable kneading bars. Through the center of the stator disc, a stepless adjustable feeding screw continuously transports granulated material from the buffer silo into the working zone in a controlled manner. Since the rapidly warmed up material leaves the compactor zone within fractions of a second, the thermal impact on the plastic is very low. The process is regulated by two degrees of freedom – both by the speed of the screw and by the distance between the disks.
HV plastcompactors can be used to agglomerate a wide variety of materials into products of high bulk density: thermoplastics such as fibers, fine particles, small tapes, foams, stretch or thin films, powders or shavings, as well as plastics that are difficult to convey, stock or mix. Compactors are also often installed downstream of washing lines. With a subsequent agglomeration – in conjunction with a secondary granulator and a classifier – residual humidity of less than one percent can be achieved, allowing direct further processing in an injection molding machine or a standard extruder.
As part of the latest enhancements, the disk geometry of the HV 70 plastcompactor has been significantly redesigned. In combination with improved automatization of the plastcompactor and a more compact design, manual intervention during operation is required much less frequently, which offers customers a new level of operational reliability. On the other hand, the silo and feeding device have been further developed in such a way that even more complex materials with the lowest bulk densities and the most difficult flow characteristics can be handled safely.


Granulator SML 60/100 SB 2

The SML 60/100 SB 2 from Herbold Meckesheim is a granulator suitable for wet operation with horizontal forced feeding by means of screw conveyors, which allows space-saving installations and easy feeding of the material. Another advantage is the high throughput capacity thanks to a one-meter wide inlet from the hopper and 50-centimeter strong feeding screws that transport the material to be ground to the rotor. Seven rotor knives and now also an optional third stator knife allow up to 21 cuts per revolve. The SB mill can process up to two tons of polyolefins per hour or well over one ton of film. SB mills are also often used for grinding PET bottles and in washing plants for plastics recycling.
In addition to the high throughput capacity, the granulators of the series are characterized by uniform load absorption and low energy consumption. During further development, the focus was again on safety aspects and ease of maintenance: The feeding device together with the hopper can be hydraulically swung away in one piece to open the housing. The case cover with the stator knives in turn opens in the opposite direction, and the knives with the pressure bar are equipped with a lifting device for safe handling.
The discharge trough is also easily accessible. The rubber rings of the machine’s ground plate feet effectively absorb vibrations, which is reflected in low noise emissions. In any case, a sensor monitors the vibrations of the machine. And as familiar from the granulators from Herbold Meckesheim: All wear parts of the rotor of the SML 60/100 SB 2 are easily replaceable.


Mechanical Dryer T 2016 PA

The T 2016 PA from Herbold Meckesheim is a mechanical dryer that has proven itself for a wide range of materials, from films and regrind to mixed and rigid plastics. Washed flakes, for example, are dried and also freed from residual impurities. The T 2016 PA is also suitable as an intensive washer – in this case, it uses a large volume of water to separate contaminants from the fraction such as paper pulp from former labels.
The machine consists of a hot-dip galvanized housing in which a high-speed agitator rotates, a polygon shaped screen basket made of stainless steel, double outboard bearings, and a pneumatic cleaning system with rinsing device for the screen surface. For heavily contaminated feedstock or feedstock with a high paper content, a cleaning scraper is used on the exterior surface of the screen drum.
Due to its novel design, the T 2016 PA achieves up to 50 percent higher drying performance, mainly due to an optimized shape and position of the replaceable and wear-resistant paddles. The screens have also been redesigned by Herbold Meckesheim with a multi-part circumference as well as a multi-part length. The hingeable housing cover, which can be opened on both sides, provides excellent access to the inside of the machine – forklifts or cranes are not required to lift off. Particularly abrasive material can be countered with wear-resistant armor. And for poorly flowing feed material, a forced feeding system via screw bunker is available.


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