Drying chambers
HORO Dr. Hofmann GmbH
We offer a system of drying chambers or smaller drying cabinets that can be individually adapted to your exact needs in your processes. We design and manufacture these for all areas of industry, laboratory or research.
Standardised basic equipment – countless possibilities
The basic configuration of our drying cabinets and drying chambers is also defined in the same way. We offer you:
Stainless steel inner housing – resistant to aggressive media and easy to clean
Heating via tubular heating elements in the cross-flow of the circulating air turbines
Powerful air circulation turbines and motors
Horizontal air circulation, with wall preheating
Electronic control with high-quality PID controllers with self-optimisation
High-quality PT 100 sensors in 3-wire connection
Temperature limiter according to EN 60519-2, class 2, for product protection
We basically offer three series: each for a maximum temperature of up to 250 degrees Celsius, 400 degrees Celsius and 650 degrees Celsius.
Drying chamber type “H-Dry”: conventional, but efficient
The conventional drying chamber or the “H-Dry” drying cabinet or laboratory drying cabinet variant works according to the standard principle:
Ambient air is drawn in, heated and fed into the drying chamber so that the product moisture can be absorbed and removed via the exhaust air. This is inexpensive to purchase, but often somewhat more demanding in terms of energy consumption. H-Dry is therefore energy-optimised and offers high performance with manageable energy requirements.
K-Dry drying cabinet: for high requirements and lower energy consumption
K-Dry is a drying cabinet for relatively high humidity with moderate temperature and energy requirements. The K-Dry is used for drying dripping wet parts. The “K-Dry” has a drying air generator, but works with a cold trap and heat pump, so that a lot of water can be separated in an energy-saving way and at the lowest moisture level.
We have optimised this type in the segment between conventional drying chamber and ultra-dryer and thus created an ideal all-round drying chamber. This is because conventional drying chambers require a minimum temperature and can remove large amounts of moisture. Ultra-drying chambers operate almost at room temperature and allow a low humidity level at a dew point of around -20 degrees Celsius. In the intermediate range at high humidity and low temperature, the “K-Dry” has now been developed. It reaches a dew point of around 0 degrees Celsius and can thus be used at moderate drying temperatures and high humidity levels.
The warm exhaust air from the drying air generator is used to preheat the supply air to the drying cabinet. This heat recovery results in energy savings of more than 50% for the entire system.
Drying cabinet type “U-Dry”: gentle drying with drying air
The “U-Dry” is one of the ultra-drying chambers and produces a minimum moisture level with moderate temperature and energy requirements: Ultra-drying chambers or ultra-drying ovens work independently of the ambient air and its humidity. That is why the “U-Dry” is the right choice for high-quality drying of electronic components (IPC / JEDEC 033 A) and high-quality plastics that are not suitable for a hot-air dryer.
The drying cabinet works like a granulate dryer with a drying air generator: it can be used for material-friendly and energy-saving drying regardless of the season and the corresponding air humidity.
Drying cabinet and drying chamber with explosion protection? Here you go!
Especially in drying processes, not only water but also explosive substances can evaporate and thus form ignitable mixtures. That’s why we also offer our drying ovens and drying chambers as explosion-proof units. You can find out more about this by using the attached button.